Conservation Funding Process

The Conservation Committee of the San Diego County Orchid Society asks for proposals from people actively involved in orchid conservation. We are deeply concerned about the ongoing loss of orchids and orchid habitats worldwide. We want to support efforts to:

  1. Protect orchids in the wild
  2. Establish and maintain organizations that protect orchids and orchid habitat
  3. Conduct studies related to orchid conservation
  4. Educate the public about conservation in general, orchid conservation in particular, and encourage public participation in conservation

To apply please send us:

1. A description of the project to be funded. Please address the following questions:

A. What are the goals of your project?

B. What methods will you use to achieve your goals? Please include a brief description of sampling techniques and approaches for data analysis, if appropriate.

C. How does your project relate to our objectives, as stated above?

D. How will the requested funds be used to fulfill your particular needs?

E. How will you evaluate the success of your project?

F. How will you publicize the results of your project?

2. A detailed budget, specifying a definite amount of money and specific use of the funds.

Please do not just ask for a contribution toward some larger, overall budget.

3. A current résumé for the person or people who will be in charge of the proposed project.

Each résumé should include general information about the person’s background, education and current status as well as experiences and accomplishments that are relevant to the proposed work.

We encourage requests for up to US$3500. However, larger requests will be considered. There is no minimum request. Although we will consider applications related to multi-year projects, our funding is uncertain from year to year and we cannot make commitments for more than one year. We will consider requests from previous awardees, as well as people and organizations whose previous requests for funding have been declined. We also would appreciate a brief description of how you learned about this funding opportunity.

The deadline for submissions is August 1, 2024.

We hope to notify applicants for the 2024 grants by December 1, 2024. Inquiries and applications should be sent to: