Our Next Meeting
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Is held on Tuesday, September 3rd.
The culture class will be given by Nate La Breche and the topic is “Orchid Pests”.
The main speaker will be Daniel Geiger and topic of the presentation is “Taking pictures of small orchid flowers: from iPhone to SEM“.
A Typical Meeting Schedule:
AOS Orchid Judging – Room 104
6:00 PM – Plant Registration
6:30 PM – Judging
Culture Class – Room 101 (simulcast on Zoom) Start Time: 6:30 PM
Generally focuses on growing tips for new growers
General Meeting – Room 101 (simulcast on Zoom). Start Time: 7:15 PM
1. Announcements
2. Main Speaker: 45 minute presentation with 15 minutes Q&A session starting around 7:30 to 7:45 PM
3. Social Break with Refreshments
4. Plant Forum Mini-Show
5. Plant Opportunity Table
The meetings typically end around 9:30 PM.
Our Meetings
We meet on the first Tuesday of each month in Room 101 of the Casa del Prado in Balboa Park. The meetings start at 6:30 PM with a Culture Class which is geared towards the beginning orchid grower and teaching the basics of orchid culture. The main meeting starts at 7:30 PM with society business and announcement. At 8PM the main presentation starts with a feature speaker. After the main presentation refreshments are served during a socializing break, then the plants our members bring in to display are presented and discussed followed by our plant opportunity table.
We have been hosting virtual/ in person hybrid meetings using Zoom. If you want to join the virtual meeting but are not a member please contact our President, David Vandenbroek, via email at president@sdorchids.com for the Zoom login information.
Additionally, the San Diego County Orchid Society hosts American Orchid Society judging on the same night as our regular meetings. Judging is held in Room 104 of the Casa Del Prado building and starts at 6:00 PM.
link to Past Meetings Page
SDCOS Holiday Party is Coming!
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The next meeting is Tuesday, December 5th, and NOT open to the public. It is our Holiday Party and reserved for members only and their guests (1 guest only per member).
The meeting starts at 6 PM with appetizers, followed by the main course at 6:30 PM and the presentation at 7 PM.
We will have a potluck dinner with entrée (Honey Baked ham & turkey) and non-alcoholic beverages provided by your club. Please sign up at the link below – it is required to receive a gift plant.
Arthur Pinkers will present a slide show of the AOS awards won by SDCOS members in 2023.
We have an Orchid Exchange where you can bring one of your plants as a Holiday gift for another member and choose a plant in return.
Members (only, not guests) will get a free orchid as a present from the SDCOS Orchid Santa!
Please sign up here (members who already signed up at the last meeting on the paper forms do NOT need to sign up again).
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SDCOS May Banquet is Coming!
The next meeting is Tuesday, May 7th, and NOT open to the public. It is our Spring Show Banquet and reserved for members only and their guests (1 guest only per member).
The meeting starts at 6 PM with appetizers, followed by the main course at 6:30 PM and the presentation at 7 PM.
We will have a potluck dinner with entrée (Chicken Kebab, Mixed Lamb & beef kebab and falafel) and non-alcoholic beverages provided by the society.
Please sign up here to let us know what you will bring for potluck and for us to estimate how much food to order for the main dish (members who already signed up at the last meeting on the paper forms do NOT need to sign up again).
At 7 PM, Anne Tuskes will present a slide show with photos of awarded plants.