Our Spring Show is Coming Soon!
Friday, April 18 - Sunday, April 20
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Attention Members!
(Non-members are also invited)
We need your beautiful blooming orchids to make this a successful show. This is the time to showcase their beauty!
Please pre-register you plants using the forms below (Word file preferred) and the show schedule to find the correct section and class. You can still register on-site.
Check in your plants on Friday from 3-7pm or Saturday from 8-9am.
We are in need of assistance to run the show smoothly.
Please sign up using the link below. Volunteers will receive redeemable coupons as a small token of our gratitude.

Our Spring Orchids In The Park Show & Sale for 2025 will be held Friday, Saturday & Sunday, April 18th – 20th in Room 101 at the Casa del Prado in Balboa Park.
Admission is free.
On Friday the sales area opens for ‘Early Bird’ customers at 10 am and the main display area will open after judging is completed, usually around noon. The Show closes at 7 PM.
On Saturday, the opening hours are 10 am to 6 PM.
On Sunday, the opening hours are 10 am to 4 PM.
We urge members and non-members to bring their blooming orchids for display.
The plants need to be checked in between 3pm and 7pm on Thursday and 8AM to 9AM on Friday.
We encourage you to use the pre-registration form (or as PDF – but please use the MS Word form if at all possible) but plants can still be registered on site.
Please use the Show Registration schedule to identify the correct section and class for your plants.
Our shows can only be held with the help of volunteers – see please sign up for the various position on our volunteer sign-up page. Thank you very much for signing up and donating your time – we have redeemable volunteer coupons as a reward.
Floor Plan of the Sales Area with Vendor Locations

Speaker Schedule for the Spring Show 2024

Speaker Schedules
Saturday, October 29th
Time | Speaker | Subject |
1:00 PM |
Ben Machado |
Orchid Basics |
2:00 PM | Kay Klausing | Repotting and Culture Basics |
3:00 PM | Debby Halliday | How to Succeed with your Trader Joe’s Orchid |
Sunday, October 29th
Time | Speaker | Subject |
11:00 AM |
Nice Goosens |
Phalaenopsis Mounting and Culture |
1:00 PM | Alex Nadzan | Easy Orchids for Outdoors Growing in SoCal |
2:00 PM | Angelic Nguyen | Growing Vandas at Home |
Attention Members!
(Non-members are also invited)
We need your beautiful blooming orchids to make this a successful show. This is the time to showcase their beauty!
Pre-Registration is preferred ( PDF ), but you can also register on-site. Find the correct section and class using the Show Registration Schedule.
Check in your plants on Friday from 4-7pm or Saturday from 8-9am.
We are in need of assistance to run the show smoothly. Please take a moment to sign up on our volunteer sign-up page. Volunteers will receive redeemable coupons as a small token of our gratitude.